Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hi! My name is Erica and I'm a junior at TCU. I'm from Seattle, Washington. I originally came to TCU to be part of the Equestrian team because I love horses and have been competing regionally and nationally since I was seven years old.
Last semester I studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain and it was one of the most amazing, uncomfortable, and memorable experiences of my life. I'm currently majoring in Economics and minoring in Spanish.
I don't know very much about Gothic Literature but in high school we read Wuthering Heights. I'm interested to know a little bit more about this type of literature and some of the famous characters that arose from this genre (like Dr. Jekyl and Mr Hyde).

I read and understand the terms of the syllabus.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Erica: Nice to have you back in my class. I am very jealous about the Spain study abroad. I'll have to quiz you about it--my daughter wants to do a SA in Germany. Wuthering Heights is very Gothic--the Bronte sisters excelled in Gothic--even took it to a new level in the Female Gothic genre. Unfortunately, because of the summer school format, we are not going to get to read their works. But we can certainly talk about them.
